Anímate a practicar tu inglés y elaborar esta deliciosa receta. Primero un poco de vocabulario propio de cocina.
1 Pound: 450 gramos
1 ounce: 28 gramos
Table Spoon: Cucharada
Tin Foil: Papel aluminio
Sprinkle: Espolvorear
Sieve: Colador
Peel: Pelar
Boil: Cocer
420 degrees F: 215º C
Baking tray: Bandeja del horno
Gravy: Salsa, jugo de carne
Whisk: Batir
Simmer: Cocinar a fuego lento
Dash: Pizca
Mash: Aplastar
Stuffing: Relleno
- Turkey: Pavo
- Oil: Aceite
- Salt: Sal
- Pepper: Pimienta
- Garlic: Ajo
- Onion: Cebolla
- Thyme: Tomillo

- Add a couple of table spoons of oil into a baking tray and heat in the oven on 420 degrees F for 10 min.
- Prepare the turkey with oil, salt and pepper on the skin making sure you rub it all over.
- You may want to place garlic, onion and thyme inside the turkey or a stuffing.
- Place the turkey in the tray and put it back into the oven and cook for the first 20 min at 420 degrees F and then reduce to 350 degrees F and cook for a further two hours.
- The internal temperature of the turkey should be at least 165 degrees F
- Cover the turkey with tin foil for the las 20 min or when the skin is brown so as not burn it and add some water to the baking tray.
- Let the turkey res for 15 min before serving.
- Chicken stock: Caldo de pollo
- Flour: Harina
- Add a chicken stock to the juices and reduce in a pan.
- Sprinkle flour on top to soak up the fat and whisk or blend then pass the gravy through a sieve and simmer for ten min.
- Cranberries: Arándanos
- Sugar: Azúcar
- Orange Juice: Zumo de naranja
- Zest of a lemon: Cáscara de limón

- 10 ounces of cranberries, a cup of sugar, a cup of orange juice and the zest of a lemon.
- Add the ingredients to a pan and cook on a medium heat for 8-10 min and let it cool down after.
- Potatoes: patatas
- Butter: Mantequilla
- Salt: Sal
- Pepper: Pimienta
- Cream: Nata

- Peel and boil potatoes until they are soft and slide off a knife then drain.
- Add a knob of butter, salt, pepper, a dash of cream and mash with a fork
- Carrots: Zanahorias
- Honey: Miel
- Brussels sprouts: Coles de Bruselas
- Ham: Jamón
- Garlic: Ajo
- Red Cabbage: Lombarda
- Raisin: Pasa
- Vinegar: Vinagre
- Sugar: Azúcar
- Water: Agua

- Baby carrots can be roasted whole in honey and orange or normal carrots can be peeled, sliced, boiled and served with a knob of butter.
- Brussels sprouts boiled the topped with fried cured ham and garlic
- Red cabbage and raisins cooked in vinegar, sugar, and water.
- Sausages: Salchichas
- Onion: Cebolla
- Sage: Salvia
- Parsley: Perejil
- Garlic: Ajo
- Brandy
- Salt: sal
- Egg: Huevo
- Breadcrumbs: Migas de pan
- Take out the sausage meat from its skin and add fried onion, sage, parsley, garlic, a dash of brandy, salt, an egg and breadcrumbs.
- Roll into golf ball size and bake in the oven for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 min on 350 degrees f or until golden brown and cooked inside.