Asteazkena, 21 Azaroa 2018 00:00




Hoy, 22 de Noviembre, se celebra el famoso "Thanksgiving day" (día de acción de gracias) en Estados Unidos. Nuestro chef nos ha preparado una detallada receta con todas las elaboraciones típicas de ese día.

Anímate a practicar tu inglés y elaborar esta deliciosa receta. Primero un poco de vocabulario propio de cocina.



1 Pound: 450 gramos

1 ounce: 28 gramos

Table Spoon: Cucharada

Tin Foil: Papel aluminio

Sprinkle: Espolvorear

Sieve: Colador

Peel: Pelar

Boil: Cocer

420 degrees F: 215º C

Baking tray: Bandeja del horno

Gravy: Salsa, jugo de carne

Whisk: Batir

Simmer: Cocinar a fuego lento

Dash: Pizca

Mash: Aplastar

Stuffing: Relleno




  • Turkey: Pavo
  • Oil: Aceite
  • Salt: Sal
  • Pepper: Pimienta
  • Garlic: Ajo
  • Onion: Cebolla
  • Thyme: Tomillo

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  1. Add a couple of table spoons of oil into a baking tray and heat in the oven on 420 degrees F for 10 min.
  2. Prepare the turkey with oil, salt and pepper on the skin making sure you rub it all over.
  3. You may want to place garlic, onion and thyme inside the turkey or a stuffing.
  4. Place the turkey in the tray and put it back into the oven and cook for the first 20 min at 420 degrees F and then reduce to 350 degrees F and cook for a further two hours.
  5. The internal temperature of the turkey should be at least 165 degrees F
  6. Cover the turkey with tin foil for the las 20 min or when the skin is brown so as not burn it and add some water to the baking tray.
  7. Let the turkey res for 15 min before serving.



  • Chicken stock: Caldo de pollo
  • Flour: Harina



  1. Add a chicken stock to the juices and reduce in a pan.
  2. Sprinkle flour on top to soak up the fat and whisk or blend then pass the gravy through a sieve and simmer for ten min.



  • Cranberries: Arándanos
  • Sugar: Azúcar
  • Orange Juice: Zumo de naranja
  • Zest of a lemon: Cáscara de limón

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  1. 10 ounces of cranberries, a cup of sugar, a cup of orange juice and the zest of a lemon.
  2. Add the ingredients to a pan and cook on a medium heat for 8-10 min and let it cool down after.



  • Potatoes: patatas
  • Butter: Mantequilla
  • Salt: Sal
  • Pepper: Pimienta
  • Cream: Nata

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  1. Peel and boil potatoes until they are soft and slide off a knife then drain.
  2. Add a knob of butter, salt, pepper, a dash of cream and mash with a fork



  • Carrots: Zanahorias
  • Honey: Miel
  • Brussels sprouts: Coles de Bruselas
  • Ham: Jamón
  • Garlic: Ajo
  • Red Cabbage: Lombarda
  • Raisin: Pasa
  • Vinegar: Vinagre
  • Sugar: Azúcar
  • Water: Agua

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  1. Baby carrots can be roasted whole in honey and orange or normal carrots can be peeled, sliced, boiled and served with a knob of butter.
  2. Brussels sprouts boiled the topped with fried cured ham and garlic
  3. Red cabbage and raisins cooked in vinegar, sugar, and water.



  • Sausages: Salchichas
  • Onion: Cebolla
  • Sage: Salvia
  • Parsley: Perejil
  • Garlic: Ajo
  • Brandy
  • Salt: sal
  • Egg: Huevo
  • Breadcrumbs: Migas de pan



  1. Take out the sausage meat from its skin and add fried onion, sage, parsley, garlic, a dash of brandy, salt, an egg and breadcrumbs.
  2. Roll into golf ball size and bake in the oven for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 min on 350 degrees f or until golden brown and cooked inside.
More in this category: « Carnival is here
